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We help you find true health solutions which are time-tested, effective and safe.

Chronic diseases and toxic/ degenerative stage can also be reversed.


What is the DRP?

The DRP, short for Detoxification & Rejuvenation Program, is a comprehensive program combining proven methods of natural cleansing of the body with essential nutrients and detoxifying therapies.

DRP Set 1

The use of coffee enemas is an essential part of the DRP. Coffee enemas help to detoxify the liver and the blood while reducing inflammation and free radical damage in the body.

Coffee Enema

Everything you need to know 

How does it work?

Things you need

Coffee Preparation

Administering the Coffee Enema

Selecting the right coffee

Different Health Programs

The choice of which health program is appropriate depends on the need and health condition of the person, the purpose and time factor.

Different health program - Chronic

If a person's condition is at the chronic or toxic/ degenerative stage, a full DRP or Intensive Gastrointestinal (GI) Detox is recommended.

Different health program for busy people

A Mini DRP is recommended for busy people.

Different health program - Maintenance

Daily Clean & Build or Daily GI Health program serves as health maintenance.

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